Windows 10 taking forever to log in
Windows 10 taking forever to log in

windows 10 taking forever to log in

It’s almost as if the existing user profiles do not get upgraded cleanly, while new ID’s are ok (anecdotal guess). Login attempts with that ID always 1-2 seconds (30 attempts). No difference in performance between standard and admin ID’s. 6 longs followed by a couple shorts, long, short, etc.

windows 10 taking forever to log in

Installed 1511 again via Windows update: 30+ second login in about 50% of 75 total logins, using two different local ID’s (one standard, one admin), both existing at time of upgrade. (This is on logins after the original “hi there” sequence.) Local user login went from 2 seconds to consistently over 30 seconds. I let 1511 install on one of my devel machines today. Posted on November 13th, 2015 at 06:07 woody Comment on the AskWoody Lounge

Windows 10 taking forever to log in