Material mods, such as lead plating, can alter the attributes of specific parts and can enable a bonus upon being equipped.
Fallout 4: Power Armor Guide - Fusion Cores, Mods, Repairs. Better Settlers aims to fix this by creating over 200 new NPC settler types for players to find.
Unfortunately, making settlers unique and geared is a complete slog. Mod Created By Thom293 (Nexus Mods) Settlers are a core part of any settlement in Fallout 4 to keep your income of resources flowing. How to Enable Free Camera And Disable Your Hud.
How to Enable Free Camera And Disable Your Hud. This mod makes the map actually useful, with clearly visible roads, train tracks, topography, distinct waterlines, better. Let's face it: Fallout 4's Pip-Boy map kinda sucks.